20% Off Sale on World of Warcraft Shadowlands

Blizzard has announced that World of Warcraft Shadowlands is now 20% off from April 29th to May 3rd! Reducing the price of the expansion and all its editions by 20%.


- (source)Blizz

There’s no better time to upgrade your account or introduce a friend to the world of Azeroth. Purchase World of Warcraft Shadowlands and get 20% off April 29-May 2.

Shadowlands is available for purchase in three digital editions: Base, Heroic, and Epic.

Base Edition Contents: The complete Shadowlands experience.

Heroic Edition Contents: The complete Shadowlands experience, Shadowlands level character boost, Ensorcelled Everwyrm Mount, which grants access to a questline that awards the Vestments of the Eternal Traveler transmogrification set.

Epic Edition Contents: All content from the Heroic Edition, Anima Wyrmling pet, Wraithchill cosmetic weapon effect, Eternal Traveler’s Hearthstone, 30 Days of game time.

All bonuses from the Heroic and Epic Editions are unlocked immediately upon purchase.

Visit the Blizzard Shop today!


All Shadowlands owners also receive the community chosen Wandering Ancient mount*. You’ll be able to explore the Shadowlands in style, just check your Mount Collection in game (Shift-P).

*Not available in World of Warcraft Classic or Burning Crusade Classic.