
Claim your free Diablo 4 pet

Diablo 4 pet

At the Xbox Showcase, Blizzard unveiled the Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred opening cinematic. We'll learn more about Diablo IV's new class, the Spiritborn, during a special livestream. Meanwhile, Diablo has a surprise gift for us.

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Brand new Diablo 4 Endgame feature will include ‘the hardest content in the game.’

Diablo 4

Season 4 of Diablo 4 is shaping up to be a game-changer, according to a recent video update called “Inside The Game.” Developers talk about on what’s in store for players. After some initial hiccups with the Diablo 4 seasons , it looks like Season 4 is set to shine. …

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BlizzCon will not be held in 2024

Blizzard has announced that they have decided to not organise a BlizzCon event in 2024. The developer says that despite the event not continuing, there will still be events this year surrounding Blizzard games. They also mentions that BlizzCon could return in the future. More importantly, Blizzard states that The …

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