Nick Nijland

Blizzard responds to Season of Discovery Content draught

Blizzard has responded about the recent Season of Discovery content draught that left fans guessing about the future of the special Classic version of World of Warcraft. WoW Classic Senior Game Producer Josh Greenfield took to Twitter/X to talk about why they haven’t talked to the community in a while, …

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BlizzCon will not be held in 2024

Blizzard has announced that they have decided to not organise a BlizzCon event in 2024. The developer says that despite the event not continuing, there will still be events this year surrounding Blizzard games. They also mentions that BlizzCon could return in the future. More importantly, Blizzard states that The …

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Blizzard is open to making new Warcraft Movies

Warcraft Director John Hight has stated in an interview with IGN that he is open to making new Warcraft movies, but Blizzard won’t be the one making them. In an interview during the Game Developers Conference with IGN, Hight discusses the possibility of making another Warcraft movie, which he is …

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World of Warcraft Classic: Best Addons You Need to Get

World of Warcraft Classic has become a staple in the MMORPG space. Fans old and new have flocked to the game to either play the once most popular version of WoW of all time, Wrath of the Lich King, try to get to level 60 without dieing in Hardcore, or enjoy themselves in a new version of the game with Season of Discovery. Across all these versions of the game there is one common denominator, Addons.

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Blizzard has appointed its new President in former Call of Duty executive, Johanna Faries

Blizzard has chosen its new President. Former Call of Duty and NFL Executive Johanna Faries will take over the role from Mike Ybarra who left the company recently after massive lay-offs. Faries will be the first new leader of the company since Microsoft has taken over the rains. Microsoft Corp. …

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Blizzard has canceled its Survival game


Activision Blizzard has announced that their Survival game has been canceled. The Survival game was teased back in 2022 when Blizzard was looking for new talent to work on the new IP. Now, the day that 1900 people have been fired at Microsoft, the studio announces the cancelation of the new IP.

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