Blizzard has appointed its new President in former Call of Duty executive, Johanna Faries

Blizzard has chosen its new President. Former Call of Duty and NFL Executive Johanna Faries will take over the role from Mike Ybarra who left the company recently after massive lay-offs.

Faries will be the first new leader of the company since Microsoft has taken over the rains. Microsoft Corp. purchased parent company Activision Blizzard for $69 billion and fired approximately 1900 people from the company last week. During this rough week, Mike Ybarra, former President, decided it was time for him to leave as well.

The appointment of an Activision employee in a Blizzard position might come as a surprise to most fans and employees. Former Presidents were always affiliated with Blizzard Entertainment before taking the rains. Faries seems to acknowledge the fact that this is a different road than expected, in an internal memo:

Activision, Blizzard, and King are decidedly different companies with distinct games, cultures, and communities.”

“It is important to note thatCall of Duty’s way of waking up in the morning to deliver for players can often differ from the stunning games in Blizzard’s realm: each with different gameplay experiences, communities that surround them, and requisite models of success,” Faries wrote. “I’ve discussed this with the Blizzard leadership team and I’m walking into this role with sensitivity to those dynamics, and deep respect for Blizzard, as we begin to explore taking our universes to even higher heights.”

Let us know in the comments down below, how you feel about Johanna Faries taking over the role.