World of Warcraft Cataclysm

World of Warcraft Classic: Embrace Two New Races in Cataclysm Classic

Blizzard has released a Bluepost regarding Worgen and Goblin, the two races becoming available to players in World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic!

During the BlizzCon 2023 event, Holly Longdale, the Executive Producer of World of Warcraft, graced the stage with an exciting announcement. In the coming year, Classic progression realms are set to progress from Wrath Classic to Cataclysm Classic, incorporating some player-driven adjustments and enhancements.

In Cataclysm Classic, players will have the choice between using old or new character models, along with some essential engine updates. Cataclysm Classic aims to rectify certain problems from the original release, including faster leveling from 1-80, a more rapid patch release schedule, account-wide appearances, and more.

Cataclysm Classic will ofcourse introduce the new races Worrgen and Globlins. Goblins are the Horde’s new race and they have their own starting zones: Kezan and The Lost Isles. The Worgen (Alliance) has its own beginning area namely Gilneas along with Gilneas City.

Be sure to delve into the details about them in the Bluepost below.

Embrace Two New Races in Cataclysm Classic - (source)

Heroes are called to once again experience a dramatically reforged Azeroth and defend it from utter devastation with a smoother and accelerated leveling experience. Two new races—worgen and goblin—join the Alliance and Horde, each bringing their unique edge to Azeroth.


Behind the formidable Greymane Wall, a terrible curse transformed many of the stalwart citizens of the isolated kingdom of Gilneas into lupine beasts known as worgen. Unable to cure their affliction and besieged by the dreaded Forsaken, these worgen learned to control their ferocity thanks to the help of the night elves.

The worgen now stand ready to unleash the beast within at a moment’s notice asDeath Knight,Druid,Hunter,Mage,Priest,Rogue,Warlock, andWarriorin defense of the Alliance.

A veteran of several wars against the Horde, Genn Greymane, acts as a trusted advisor to the young King Anduin Wrynn of Stormwind. Stalwart and strong, Greymane seeks to secure a lasting peace for the Alliance and remains intent on reclaiming his lost kingdom one day.
Class Icon - Death Knight.gifDeath Knight
Class Icon - Druid.gifDruid
Class Icon - Hunter.gifHunter
Class Icon - Mage.gifMage
Class Icon - Paladin.gifPaladin
Class Icon - Priest.gifPriest
Class Icon - Rogue.gifRogue
Class Icon - Shaman.gifShaman
Class Icon - Warlock.gifWarlock
Class Icon - Warrior.gifWarrior
  • Aberration(Passive): Reduces Shadow and Nature damage taken by 1%.
  • Darkflight: Activates your true form, increasing movement speed by 40% for 10 seconds.
  • Enable Worgen Altered Form: Enables Worgens to switch between human and Worgan forms
  • Flayer(Passive): Increases your Skinning Skill by 5 and Deftness by 25%. Deftness allows you to skin more quickly.
  • Running Wild: Drop to all fours and run as fast as a wild animal.
  • Two Forms– Turn into your currently inactive form. (Awarded byNeither Human Nor Beast)
  • Viciousness(Passive): Increases Critical Strike chance by 1%.
Ruled by Genn Greymane, the winding cobblestone streets and narrow alleyways served its citizens well, even as the city fell victim to the curse of the Worgen. Now, forced to flee their home during the Cataclysm, the Worgen seek to reclaim their beloved city one day.
These wild horses have served Gilneans since before the First War. Known for their strength and ferocious demeanor, the mountain horses are comfortable with their riders—and their proclivities to embrace their feral side.


The goblins’ craftiness and greed make them masters of mercantilism. Reforging old pacts with their one-time allies, the goblins of the Bilgewater Cartel have been welcomed into the Horde asDeath Knight,Hunter,Mage,Priest,Rogue,Shaman,Warlock, andWarrior. Honing their inherent cunning to a razor’s edge, the goblins hope to use their explosive inventions to rule the world—or at the very least own a profitable percentage of it.

After the abrupt departure of Trade Prince Gallywix at the conclusion of the Fourth War, the goblins of the Bilgewater Cartel were left temporarily leaderless. Now Trade Prince Gazlowe leads the goblins with his clever wits, representing them on the Horde council.
Class Icon - Death Knight.gifDeath Knight
Class Icon - Druid.gifDruid
Class Icon - Hunter.gifHunter
Class Icon - Mage.gifMage
Class Icon - Paladin.gifPaladin
Class Icon - Priest.gifPriest
Class Icon - Rogue.gifRogue
Class Icon - Shaman.gifShaman
Class Icon - Warlock.gifWarlock
Class Icon - Warrior.gifWarrior


Bilgewater Harbor sprang up in record time, and its quintessential goblin construction has fostered an atmosphere of debauchery and disorder, replete with gambling dens, pleasure houses, and other luxuries.
The remarkably aged Jibidiah “No Fingers” Gragglefutz created the sturdy transport trike. Years of product-related mishaps bore fruit in this speedy, durable, and mostly un-explodable vehicle that remains very popular among goblins.

Mark your calendars; Deathwing, The Worldbreaker, bursts from the heart of the Maelstrom, unleashing his rage. Your new journey begins with the pre-expansion patch— theShattering of Azeroth—on April 30 and continues with the launch ofCataclysm Classicon May 20, 2024, at 3:00 pm PDT worldwide.