World of Warcraft The War Within

World of Warcraft is shutting down its Companion App

Blizzard has announced the upcoming retirement of the World of Warcraft Companion App for iOS and Android. This means players will soon have to bid farewell to the app. Combining features from previous apps like the Mobile Armory and Legion Companion, that was introduced in 2018, will be taken offline upon the release of World of Warcraft: The War Within.

The World of Warcraft Companion App lets players manage activities from the Warlords of Draenor expansion and beyond. It tracks missions, quests allows buying and selling in the auction house, monitoring calendar events, and chatting with guild and community members.

World of Warcraft

Blizzard confirmed in a blog post that the Companion App will be retired once The War Within pre-patch is released. Players won’t be able to update, download, or use the app and its features.

The WoW Companion App Retiring - (source)

With the release of The War Within™ pre-expansion content update, we will no longer support the WoW Companion App. After this date, players will not be able to update, download, or use the companion app and its features.

We want to thank everyone who has used the app as their companion for their adventures over the years!

Are you still using the WoW Companion App? Let us know via the poll!

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