67816759 2495946627152724 4163361178698907648 O 1

Best World of Warcraft: Classic Memes

Because Classic is coming, our pages are happy to focus on nostalgia.
Therefore this “Best Classic Memes” post!

Is there one that we missed? Send a message to our Facebook page!

1) What about Tanks in classic? 

68927589 2504563099624410 8353616605086744576 O

– Deniedeu <— 

2) The real Vanilla, when I was 160 pounds, lived with my parents and played on dial up.

68447296 2498287706918616 5925919480990400512 N


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4)A true “classic”

68686603 2492169234197130 3144011116888195072 N

5) Every. Single. Day.

Source – Cyanide & Happiness– AZ Millionaire

6)Tanking in Classic WoW Be Like

67736981 2486457584768295 8462443779217948672 N

7) Good luck Healers!


8) Team #Nosleep


9) “Let’s just wait until they pull another mob…”


10) [LocalDefense.] The Crossroads is under attack!


Is there one that we missed? Send a message to our Facebook page!