Classic WoW 1

Blizzard is adding more Realms to Classic!

With only 7 days left on the calendar, the release of Classic is now closer than ever.
Previously indicated that they were adding multiple servers, and apparently, that was not enough.

Blizzard has just added Blaumeux and Skeram for NA, and Firemaw for EU English, PvP servers.
All other PvP Realms are now Full or High.



The existing PvP realms all now have either a Full or High population tag. With the potential for extended queues on the Full realms, and 10,000+ queues on Herod, we are opening two new PvP realms on Monday, August 19 at 6:00 p.m. PDT:

Blaumeux – PvP – Pacific Time Zone
Skeram – PvP – Eastern Time Zone

We urge players on PvP realms to consider moving to one of these realms. Doing so will help spread the player population as evenly as possible before launch and provide the best play experience for everyone.




The existing PvP realms all now have either a Full or High population tag. With the potential for extended queues on the Full realms, and 10,000+ queues on Shazzrah, we are opening another English PvP realm on Tuesday, August 20 at 8:00 p.m. CEST:

Firemaw – PvP – English

We urge players on PvP realms to consider moving to this realm. Doing so will help spread the player population as evenly as possible before launch and provide the best play experience for everyone.