World of Warcraft

Blizzard confirmed the new World of Warcraft gold sink vendor is coming soon to EU realms

Ms. Xiulan, the assistant to Madam Goya, is currently offering select items for sale in exchange for gold on live World of Warcraft servers until the conclusion of August 2024.

The gold sink vendor, which was introduced on US realms just yesterday, enables players to purchase various cosmetic items, including a mount, using gold. Unfortunately, the vendor’s offerings are not available on EU realms. Blizzard has acknowledged this issue on Twitter and assured players that it is a bug currently under investigation.

You’ll locate Ms. Xiulan in Valdrakken, situated to the right of the Little Scales Daycare at the black auction house. She offers various items, such as the Arsenal: Whispering Temple Blade (priced at 200,000 gold), Regal Gryphon Rider’s Headgear (available for 75,000 gold), and the Gold Resonation Crystal mount, all at the enticing price of only 1,200,000 gold!

Hurry up and get these items before the end of August 2024! After that, any leftovers will go to the Black Market Auction House. It might happen around the release of World of Warcraft: The War Within, but that’s just a guess.

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