Blizzard teases Diablo IV Expansion Packs

To be honest, we couldn’t get lucky when Diablo IV was announced at Blizzcon.
Diablo IV is something the fans have been waiting for for a very long time.

Game Director Luis Barriga and Art Director John Mueller sat down with AusGamers and tackled the game’s prime antagonist and the eventual expansion it will have in the future.

Each new expansion will revolve around a new antagonist, safe to say that Blizzard is evolving the series. Diablo has been the main antagonist since the first version; Lilith will become the main antagonist, but Diablo is planned to return in a later expansion.

Diablo 4 Wallpaper Lilith

“Once we saw the art we were inspired, [Lilith] was a character that we could build a story around,” Barriga explains. “What we love about Sanctuary is that we’ve already planted these seeds. There’s a rich backstory found in novels and lore books, so we decided to look closer at the creation myth. We felt that we’ve fought Diablo before, and Diablo always comes back – so, it was a case of what other bullets do we have on the table just lying around.”

“Diablo IV is like the first chapter of a book,” John adds. “We want to tell a big story and we want to tell it, hopefully, for a very long time. Treating this like the first chapter of a book and Lilith as a key character in this story, it feels great knowing that there are still all these other characters that could come back in the future. Or, new characters that we haven’t seen before.”

Mueller, on the other hand, explained that “Diablo IV” is “like the first chapter of a book.” . ” The game’s Art Director also teased that “Diablo IV” will have expansions in the future, and that it will introduce some familiar names and new ones in the long run.

“It feels great knowing that there are still all these other characters that could come back in the future. Or, new characters that we haven’t seen before, “he said.