Burning Crusade Classic release date possibly leaked

Users on Reddit have been sharing screenshots of an image that appeared on the Battle.net Launcher for a few moments earlier today stating that the release of Burning Crusade Classic will be on June 1st. Blizzard has yet to confirm this date and the image has since been removed from the launcher.



r/classicwow - June 1st?

Blizzard hasn’t confirmed anything as of yet, and the quickly removal of the page on the Battle.net launcher is a sign that putting it up was a mistake. Since then, players have been speculating if a June 1st release date would be possible. There is still some raid testing to be done for later phases of the game, which could be done after release of course, but we can imagine that Blizzard wants to get this out of the way before release. A lot of players are speculating that the pre patch will launch the 18th of may, which could still be a possibility. The Darkmoon Fair has moved a week, which makes players think this was done because of the imminent pre-patch. You can check out Asmongolds tweet and his replies below with some more theories.