According to Bethesda, Fallout 76 has garnered a player base of 17 million users over five years since its November 2018 launch.
Bethesda shared this achievement in a blog post outlining the game’s content support for 2024. The 17 million includes, according to, both players who purchased a copy on PC or Xbox and those who tried the title on Game Pass.
Notably, by the conclusion of 2022, Fallout 76 had amassed 13.5 million players, indicating a growth of 3.5 million users within a year. The initial sales figures, disclosed by Bethesda at the end of 2018, revealed 1.4 million copies sold, but since then, the company has not provided updated sales data, making it challenging to determine how many of the 17 million players made a purchase.

Dear Vault Dwellers of Appalachia,
As we look ahead to another exciting year in Appalachia, we can’t help but feel a warm glow (or perhaps that’s radiation?) emanating from the amazing community of players in Fallout 76. Just last month, we celebrated our fifth anniversary, and we’ve come a long way since we first stepped out of the Vault into the wastelands of Appalachia. Together, 17 million players have experienced new Fallout tales and characters with Wastelanders. You’ve made major choices affecting the area’s outcome in Steel Reign and Steel Dawn. You’ve even ventured beyond Appalachia’s borders with The Pitt and now Atlantic City. You’ve seen traveling carnivals, unlocked tons of content with Fallout Seasons, fought Spooky Scorched, set foot on New Jersey’s glamorous post-nuclear boardwalk and much more.
And we’re not done yet.
Many of you are off exploring the brilliant-but-bloodstained beaches in our Atlantic City – Boardwalk Paradise update as we speak. While you’re enjoying a well-deserved holiday in our irradiated resort town, we thought this the perfect time to look forward to what’s coming next year in Appalachia.
Together, over 17 million players have experienced new Fallout tales and characters with Wastelanders.
Arriving in Spring 2024, the second installment, Atlantic City – America’s Playground, features an additional mission in which players will confront the legendary Jersey Devil, along with new story driven quests, more areas to explore and, of course, plenty of rewards.
War never changes, but that sure doesn’t stop Appalachia from mutating! Later in 2024, we’re expanding our map southward, deep into the wooded heartland of Shenandoah. This uncharted, once-tranquil expanse in the heart of Virginia will bring a new questline, factions and rewards.
Throughout the coming year, the team is also shining a greater light on Fallout 76’s beloved Seasonal Events. We’re looking forward to running them much more frequently and offering a host of new rewards with each Event. There are also plans for new Seasonal Events to round out our roster, so get ready to pencil in those calendars in 2024.
Among all this exciting new content, we’re planning to release several additional features and improvements that benefit our avid builders and adventurers alike. Whether you’ve roamed Appalachia’s wilds since day one or are still adjusting to the natural light outside the fluorescent halls of Vault 76, next year marks an exciting time to adventure into Fallout 76 and make friends in Wasteland.
And we can’t forget the premiere of the highly anticipated Fallout TV series, coming to Amazon Prime this spring. This episodic series represents a collaboration between the creative minds at Bethesda Games Studios and Kilter Films – showing an expanded look at the Fallout universe like never before, breathing the world to life with new stories, characters, and moments for both fans and newcomers come to join us on these country roads.
From all of us at Bethesda Game Studios, we deeply appreciate everyone’s continued support and encouragement. The team has had a fantastic year here in Fallout 76; Here’s to many more!
Happy Holidays!
-Jon Rush