Currently, there are 36 jobs open at Blizzard to fill for the Diablo IV and Diablo team. At Diablo V they are mainly looking for Art / Animation, at Diablo Immortal that is Game Design.
At Blizzard they are currently looking for employees, especially the Diablo team. It will likely be from home, as the pandemic is still ongoing.
The Diablo Immortal team is hiring for some awesome Design opportunities!
Senior Quest Designer:
Senior UX Designer:
Narrative Designer:
Senior Sound Designer:
— Adam Fletcher (@PezRadar) September 25, 2020
Last week we wrote an article about Diablo Immortal in which the game was updated on the Google Play and TapTap store. There is a possibility that a beta of this will be released soon.
Diablo Immortal is a mobile MMO ARPG currently planned for iPhone and Android devices. We want it to include all the things you know and love about Diablo: multitudes of monsters to slay, troves of loot to collect and customize, and powerful classes to play with friends or on your own.