No GM Island in WoW Classic at launch

The countdown has begun, and to make waiting a bit more enjoyable, we have found the following fact for you.

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In an interview with IGN Benelux, Brian Birmingham (Classic Lead Software Engineer) says the following to the question: can we expect GM Island somewhere in the game?

“That’s interesting that you ask,” says Brian with a smile. “There is a story behind that, about which I, unfortunately, cannot go into too much detail. But yes, GM Island is supposed to be in the game, but it is not in the game yet. It is actually not the intention that players get there, but we worked to bring it back and make sure everything works in the game, we found why it was missing, and managed to develop it. It will certainly return, but you cannot go there, so why are you guys always look for it! It is very cool where players can come and what they know to do. As long as you do not get in the way of other players it is fine in my opinion. Exploring and finding new nooks and crannies in the world is fun! ”