World of Warcraft The War Within Warband

World of Warcraft Account-Wide Progression with Warbands

The moment has arrived! With the release of 11.0 (World of Warcraft: The War Within), players can now utilize Warbands to achieve account-wide progression across all characters within their account, regardless of their faction. This progress encompasses shared renown for the War Within, a shared warband vault, achievements, and extra perks. Additionally, there’s a recent change to the transmogrification collection, enabling players to obtain the visual style of any equipment type, regardless of their ability to wield it.

World of Warcraft The War Within Warband

World of Warcraft The War Within Warband

Blizzard has revealed their plans for the upcoming major narrative in World of Warcraft, which will be known as the Worldsoul Saga. At the keynote presentation, Blizzard introduced Chris Metzen, a renowned figure in the world of WoW, who had recently re-assumed the role of Executive Creative Director for the Warcraft franchise. He made the announcement regarding the update.

This grand narrative will unfold across the upcoming series of expansions, including The War Within, Midnight, and The Last Titan. The tenth expansion, called “The War Within” and the first in the Worldsoul Saga, will take players beneath Azeroth’s surface, where they’ll meet Nerubians and a new Allied group called the Earthen Dwarves.

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