The official list is here! Make sure to reserve your name on Time!
The official list is here! Make sure to reserve your name on Time!
Before creating a character, you’ll choose the realm where you want to play that character. Realms in the Americas will be:
Name | Type | Time Zone |
Atiesh | Normal | Pacific |
Mankrik | Normal | Eastern |
Myzrael | Normal | Pacific |
Pagle | Normal | Eastern |
Name | Type | Time Zone |
Faerlina | PvP | Eastern |
Fairbanks | PvP | Pacific |
Herod | PvP | Eastern |
Thalnos | PvP | Eastern |
Whitemane | PvP | Pacific |
Name | Type | Time Zone |
Bloodsail Buccaneers | RP | Eastern |
Grobbulus | RP-PvP | Pacific |
Oceanic realms will be:
Name | Type | Time Zone |
Arugal | PvP | Australian Eastern Time |
Remulos | Normal | Australian Eastern Time |
Relative realm population will be visible in-game to help in choosing a realm so you will see Low, Medium, or High in the realm selection screen. If there are high numbers of players congregating on individual realms during name reservation and character creation, we will post warnings about the potential for queues on those realms, giving you time to choose alternate realms.
WoW Classic releases worldwide on
Starting at 00:01 CEST on Tuesday 13th August, players with an active subscription or game time on their World of Warcraft account can reserve their character names by creating up to three Classic characters. Please note that all of your characters on a PvP realm must be the same faction.
Before creating a character, you’ll choose the realm where you want to play that character. The following realms will be available:
Name | Type | Language |
Golemagg | PvP | English |
Hydraxian Waterlords | RP | English |
Mirage Raceway | Normal | English |
Pyrewood Village | Normal | English |
Shazzrah | PvP | English |
Zandalar Tribe | RP-PvP | English |
Name | Type | Language |
Auberdine | Normal | French |
Sulfuron | PvP | French |
Name | Type | Language |
Everlook | Normal | German |
Lucifron | PvP | German |
Name | Type | Language |
Хроми (Chromie) | Normal | Russian |
Пламегор (Flamegor) | PvP | Russian |
Relative realm population will be visible in-game to help in choosing a realm so you will see Low, Medium, or High in the realm selection screen. If there are high numbers of players congregating on individual realms during name reservation and character creation, we will post warnings about the potential for queues on those realms, giving you time to choose alternate realms. WoW Classic releases worldwide on Tuesday 27th August at 00:01 CEST.