Season of Discovery

World of Warcraft bots utilize an unconventional strategy for naming pets to avoid being detected

Blizzard is facing new challenges in addressing botting problems in World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery; Bots are using a quirky naming strategy to avoid detection.

Despite the successful launch of World of Warcraft Season of Discovery, with a large number of players and positive feedback on the developer’s update to the original Classic formula, the game has encountered some issues. Criticisms include concerns about the new Ashenvale PvP event.

In this event, an elite NPC for each faction spawns, and the goal is to take out the enemy leader before the other team—similar to how things work in Alterac Valley. Players also have to complete objectives along the way, making it a fun PvPvE experience.

Yet, there’s an issue: the entire event gets stuck in specific conditions. Twitter reports brought attention to it, and Blizzard have acknowledged it. It mainly happens when two or more lieutenants die simultaneously.

But that’s not the only issue. A significant problem revolves around bots, and those responsible are taking a humorous approach to avoid detection.
A Reddit user shared a surprising discovery that Hunter pets were being given names popular in America, according to a Google search.

Bots are now naming their boars, but only from the top google results for “American names.”
byu/Lesserred inclassicwow

Blizzard is working to resolve this issue. In the past month, the publisher took action against nearly 200,000 accounts as part of their ongoing efforts to combat disruptive players and bots.