Blizzard has announced that sign-ups are open for those interested in joining the World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic Beta. The Beta is expected to start in early 2024, and Cataclysm Classic is slated for a summer 2024 release!
During theBlizzCon 2023 opening Ceremony, World of Warcraft Executive Producer Holly Longdale announced World of Warcraft Classic Cataclysm. The publisher received extensive input from players andWoW Classic Cataclysmwill be released with player feedback-driven improvements.

Reignite the fire early when you sign up to playWorld of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic™ Beta before it hits the servers in 2024!
From the fires of destruction, a new Azeroth arises. Following Deathwing the Destroyer’s cataclysmic entrance, which left a festering wound across Azeroth, heroes are called once again to experience a dramatically reforged Azeroth and defend it from utter devastation.
Players can tackle this milestone expansion again with new quality-of-life changes, including a faster content cadence, improved leveling experience, expanded Collections UI, and more!
Access toCataclysm Classicwill be included with aWorld of WarcraftSubscription or Game Time. A cache of amenities awaits those who pursue theBlazing Epic Upgrade, including a Level 80 Character Boost, Ragnaros-inspired mount, Lil’Wrathion pet, and more!