Blizzard asks players how they want Classic to transition to Burning Crusade

Blizzard is sending out surveys to players in which they ask them if they would like World of Warcraft: Classic transition to Burning Crusade.

Classic Burning Crusade hasn’t been announced just yet, but we do understand that Blizzard is considering this as an option to further develop WoW: Classic. Since the announcement of World of Warcraft: Classic, players already started debating what the game should do after we have played through all the old patches. It appears that Blizzard is seriously considering the option to transition to the Burning Crusade, or make separate servers for them.

The survey asks how players would prefer to approach a new character in Classic Burning Crusade, with these options:

  • Continue playing my current Classic character on my existing server as it progresses to the Burning Crusade expansion, with the option to transfer to a Classic server that will never progress past level 60.
  • Start a brand new character from level 58 on a new Burning Crusade server.
  • Start a brand new character from Level 1 on a new Burning Crusade server.
  • Continue playing my current Classic character on my existing server that will never progress past level 60, with the option to transfer to a Burning Crusade server.

This was shared on twitter by Kaelaris, and as he says, is one of the hardest to answer. How would you like to proceed with Classic WoW, after it is done? What is the best way to go about it? We would love to jump back into the Burning Crusade, while also keeping the current Classic experience.

Let us know what you would like to see from Blizzard!