President of Blizzard claims that Diablo 4’s season journey bug “will be fixed in a few days”

A bug in Diablo 4‘s season journey, which prevents you from claiming rewards, will be fixed soon, according to Blizzard’s Mike Ybarra on Twitter. He mentioned completing the seasonal challenges himself and acknowledged the issue where completing quests doesn’t progress properly. This problem should be resolved shortly.

Finishing the season journey lets you earn extra rewards while progressing through the seasonal quests and leveling up new characters. Blizzard’s president, Mike Ybarra, recently tweeted about completing the full season journey after reaching the max level cap in Diablo 4. A player pointed out a forum thread discussing the bug, and Ybarra confirmed the fix, mentioning it should be resolved by August 15th.

The upcoming Diablo 4 patch 1.1.1 won’t include this fix, but it will increase monster density in Helltides and Diablo 4 Nightmare Dungeons. If you’ve been impacted by this bug, your progress will soon be unlocked, and achievements toward later tiers will be accounted for even if you reach them before those tiers are unlocked.