Blizzard says waiting for Diablo 5 won’t be as long as for Diablo 4

Blizzard’s President Mike Ybarra said that the wait for Diablo 5 won’t be as long as for Diablo 4 or 3. He also hinted about expanding the fourth part of the series and keeping up with their promise of long-term support. Ybarra mentioned that fans won’t have to wait as much for new games and that they have exciting plans for Diablo 4 and beyond.

Diablo 3 took 11 years to develop and was released in 2012. The fourth game also had a long development time and was released on June 5, 2023, with positive reviews. Diablo 4 sold quickly and became Blizzard’s fastest-selling game. This could mean Blizzard will invest more in upcoming Diablo games, reducing the time fans have to wait for new releases. The possibility of faster development for future Diablo games is boosted by the upcoming big sale of Activision Blizzard to Microsoft.

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