World of Warcraft Season of Discovery

World of Warcraft players think Blizzard accidentally launched Season of Discovery PTR

World of Warcraft players are sharing character screenshots from a test version (PTR) of the Season of Discovery, even though the developer promised a full launch initially.

The Season of Discovery, introduced at Blizzcon, is like a Classic+ version, changing up the Vanilla formula. In this season, players can enhance their chosen class with new abilities for different roles by unlocking powers through imbuing gear with Runes. The excitement of discovering these Runes is a big reason why the Season of Discovery is launching directly to keep things surprising and enjoyable.

Recently, on Reddit, some players are saying they logged into the game but ended up in a PTR version of the Season of Discovery. Screenshots show a Priest spell meant for unlocking during the Season of Discovery, hinting at an accidental PTR release. To avoid spoilers, details about the spell are left out, but it’s not supposed to be in the regular version of Classic.

SoD PTR up by mistake?
byu/smizzzo inclassicwow

Speculation among players grows as they share evidence, such as screenshots of undead character performance featuring a specific buff action not found in the base game. Despite player concerns and speculation, Blizzard has not yet responded to this potential leak. Addressing the issue promptly will be crucial for safeguarding the game’s integrity moving forward.