Blizzard’s latest hotfixes (1.0.2) drop, removing Barbarian loot from Druid Unique pool!

HOTFIX 12 – JUNE 23, 2023 – 1.0.2
Gameplay Fixes
- The Barbarian Unique weapons “Overkill”, “Hellhammer”, and “Ancient’s Oath” will no longer drop for Druid players.
Developer Note: We do want to forewarn that Druid players with these weapons already equipped will still be able to use them, but you will not be able to re-equip them if removed from your weapon slot. These uniques will no longer be available for Druid players to use moving forward.
Class Changes
- Fixed an issue where the increased damage from the Sorcerer’s “Combustion” ability was not applying correctly.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the Sorcerer’s “Ice Shards” ability would cause excessive controller vibration.
- Further stability and improvements.