Warcraft 3 Reforged Mulitplayer beta starts this week

The Warcraft 3 Reforged beta will start this week, Blizzard has announced on their site. Next to that, players that have ordered the Spoils of War edition of the game, will get new rewards.

The beta will give limited access to the Orc and Human races in 1v1 and 2v2 matchmaking. The Undead and Night Elf Races, and more game modes will come in the weeks ahead.

How do you get in the beta?

Invitations for the multiplayer beta will be sent in the coming weeks, with initial invitations going out in waves to players that have pre-ordered the Spoils of War edition and waves after that will go to players who have ordered the standard edition of the game. If you haven’t ordered the game yet, now is a good time.

What are the Spoils of War items?

Blizzard announced some cool new items for the Spoils of War editions, which holds items for all Blizzard games. Check them out below.

Overwatch icons and moving sprays:


Starcraft 2 Spoils of War console:


With more variations:


For Diablo 3, a Mal’Ganis pet:


For Warcraft 3 Reforged you get these cool skins:

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Have you bought the game yet, if not, are you inclined to buy it now?