Blizzard has revealed the schedule for Phase 2 which starts next week. Phase 2 will remove layering and introduce the honor system, world bosses and the key ring. Next to that, Blizzard announced more servers to be eligible for Realm transfers. Check out their full statement below, but first the important dates:
On Tuesday November 12 all realms will go to one layer. This will go live directly after maintenance. This means everyone will be able to see each other, but also mean high queue times for some servers, which is why Blizzard is opening more servers for transfer. Blizzardis encouraging players on the American servers of Arugal, Faerline, Herod and Whitemane to use this free transfer to avoid queue times.
On Thursday November 14 the PVP Honor system will go live, as well as the world bosses. At 11 PM EST, which is at 20:00 GMT +1, the update will go live on all servers. Beware for the update, since everyone will be hunting each other for some honor and try to kill the world bosses Azuregos and Kazzak.
Here follows the entire message by Blizzard:
Next week, we will take multiple steps to prepare for the release of the PvP Honor system and World Bosses at 11:00 a.m. PST on Thursday, November 14. Here’s an outline of those steps.Monday, November 11 – Updates to Free Character Moves**
At 11:00 a.m. PST on Monday, we will update the Free Character Move service.
Free Character Moves from all realms to Sul’thraze (Brazil) and Loatheb (Mexico) will be closed at this time. Free Character Moves will no longer be available from Atiesh, Benediction, or Yojamba (Australia). The following Free Character Moves will be available:
FROM TO Bigglesworth Anathema Bigglesworth Arcanite Reaper Bigglesworth Earthfury Blaumeux Anathema Blaumeux Arcanite Reaper Blaumeux Earthfury Faerlina Anathema Faerlina Arcanite Reaper Faerlina Earthfury Fairbanks Anathema Fairbanks Arcanite Reaper Fairbanks Earthfury Fairbanks Heartseeker Grobbulus Anathema Grobbulus Arcanite Reaper Grobbulus Deviate Delight Herod Arcanite Reaper Herod Heartseeker Incendius Anathema Incendius Arcanite Reaper Incendius Earthfury Kromcrush Arcanite Reaper Kromcrush Heartseeker Mankrik Azuresong Mankrik Windseeker Pagle Azuresong Pagle Windseeker Skeram Arcanite Reaper Skeram Heartseeker Stalagg Arcanite Reaper Stalagg Heartseeker Sulfuras Anathema Sulfuras Arcanite Reaper Sulfuras Earthfury Whitemane Anathema Whitemane Arcanite Reaper Whitemane Earthfury We strongly suggest that any players planning to use a Free Character Move do so as soon as possible. Free Character Moves may be disabled without warning at any time.Tuesday, November 12 – All Realms to One Layer
With scheduled weekly maintenance beginning at 7:00 a.m. PST on Tuesday, all WoW Classic realms will be set to a single-layer. We expect some realms listed above to experience long queues after this step. We especially encourage players on Arugal , Faerlina , Herod , and Whitemane to use the Free Character Move service to avoid excessive queues.Thursday, November 14 – PVP Honor System and World Bosses
At 11:00 a.m. PST on Thursday, the update will occur for all realms in this region. The PvP Honor system will come online, and it will become possible for Azuregos and Kazzak to spawn.Thank you very much!