
World of Warcraft announces Trios Mode in Plunderstorm

At the World of Warcraft Plunderstorm Creator Royale event, Lead Software Engineer Orlando Salvatore announced that Trios will soon be introduced to Plunderstorm.

With Trios, allowing players to team up in groups of three in the brand new World of Warcraft PvE mode Plunderstorm. This addition, presently accessible in solo and duo formats, will infuse a new dimension into the 60v60 battle royale-inspired event. With matches now accommodating 20 trios, players will be tasked with devising innovative strategies amidst heightened chaos while striving to secure plunder.

With the release of World of Warcraft patch 10.2.6 Plunderstorm introduces a limited-time pirate-themed “Battle Royale” event that will run for a few weeks. Participants aim to outlast their fellow pirates as they traverse the Arathi Highlands in search of abilities, upgrades, and loot to survive. Players can earn cosmetics, pets, titles, and mounts as they progress through the reward track.

“We hope you are all having a great time with Plunderstorm. The community has been such an integral part of giving feedback and helping make Plunderstorm as great as it can be, and we hope to continue to get feedback from all of you. You’ve also shared some amazing moments, like landing the perfect skill shot or a really clutch ress. Or even dying to a box of chickens.

We hope to continue seeing those amazing moments shared. We also realized that for some of you, solo and duo play may be a bit limiting. So, starting next week, trios will be available in Plunderstorm.

We’re super excited about this and hope you all have fun with it. So keep plundering and have fun, everyone. Thanks!”

Recently, executive producer Holly Longdale suggested that Blizzard is developing more PvE content, which they intend to unveil to the community shortly.