The latest World of Warcraft expansion, The War Within, is almost here, and it comes with an exciting new PVP map! Blizzard has just unveiled new details about this brand-new Battleground map.
World of Warcraft: The War Within is the upcoming tenth expansion pack, primarily set in Khaz Algar, which is divided into four unique zones: the Isle of Dorn, The Ringing Deeps, Hallowfall, and Azj-Kahet. This expansion is the first part of the World Saga Trilogy, with the following expansions titled Midnight and The Last Titan.
With the new expansion comes a brand-new PvP map. The Deephaul Ravine is the new 10vs10 (8v8 in Battleground Blitz) PvP battleground debuting in The War Within, featuring elements like payloads, a capture-the-flag objective, and fast-travel vehicles.
It’s available from level 71, and the rules are simple: the first team to reach 1,500 points claims victory!
Make sure to read the entire bluepost below for all the details:

Set your sights on your next PvP adventure within Deephaul Ravine in the Ringing Deeps where you’ll work with your team to secure resources in the mine.
Type of Map: 10v10 Payload-style Battleground (8v8 for Battleground Blitz)
Location: The Ringing Deeps
Levels: 71-80
Victory Condition: First team to 1500 Points
Ruffious the Unbound Earthen has big plans for the ore and gems found in the Deephaul Ravine, but the Machine Speakers of the Earthenworks are quite possessive of such precious materials. Foreman Uzjax and his team plan to secure these materials before Ruffious and his band of misfits get their hands on it.
Your Mission
Teams earn points by controlling one of the two active mine carts on the map or by capturing the Deephaul Crystal located in the middle of the map. The first team to earn 1500 points wins!
There are two mine carts that spawn on opposite sides of the map and follow a track. Teams can control these to earn periodic points and a small burst of points after capturing it.
The Deephaul Crystal spawns in the middle of the map and can be returned to either capture point located on the high ground on the opposing sides of the map.

Get in the battle within Deephaul Ravine by using the Group finder (I), opening the Player vs. Player tab, selecting your role, selecting the battleground you wish to take part in, and then clicking on the “Join Battle” option.