Destiny 2

Bungie accidentally leaked Destiny 2 seasonal ending

Bungie accidentally spoiled Destiny 2’s current season, Season of the Wish, storyline by sharing a text with more spoilers than intended.

The spoiler unfolds during the weekly mission, particularly when interacting with Osiris at the holoprojector. The text accompanying his audio message appears to give away too much. Oddly, the rest of the text is accurate, but one paragraph in the summary text reveals an end-of-season spoiler not mentioned by Osiris in the audio log.

Bungie accidentally leaked… seasonal ending
byu/Voldernnn inDestinyTheGame

It’s unclear if things were supposed to happen this week and got changed or if it was just a mistake. The game is prone to data mining, where people dig into the files as they’re added, revealing story details.

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