Destiny 2

Bungie is introducing a new weapon to Destiny 2 for the Dawning 2023 event

Bungie has given us info about this year’s Dawning event in Destiny 2. They’re bringing in a fresh weapon named the Albedo Wing with improved perks, and there’s also a special Memento for the event. The Dawning is one of Destiny 2’s yearly events, and it’s all about celebrating Christmas.

In this week’s TWID blog post, it’s mentioned that Destiny 2‘s Dawning 2023 event is bringing a new weapon called the Albedo Wing. You can get it by completing event challenges and unlocking Festive Engrams. The Albedo Wing comes with updated perks like Deconstruct, Attrition Orbs, Cold Steel, Beacon Rounds, and a special trait called Dawning Surprise. Bungie suggests keeping an eye out for Zephyr featuring the Cold Steel Perk. Also, Stasis Snowballs are changing—defeating enemies with Dawning weapons will make snowball spawn points at that spot.

Additionally, Bungie is introducing a new Dawning Memento for players to earn, giving their weapons a cool icy blue appearance.

THIS WEEK IN DESTINY – 12/7/2023 - (source)Bungie

This year, we updated the way snowballs are spawned. Eliminations using Dawning weapons or abilities will create a snowball spawn point where an enemy was defeated.


We also have a new Memento this year: the Dawning Memento! Pick up the Winter Night quest from Eva Levante for your chance to earn the Dawning Memento reward. Additional Mementos can be acquired from opening A Gift in Return once the first Memento is acquired.



In addition, we have a new Glaive this year, the Albedo Wing! You can acquire this weapon from Event Challenges, weapon focusing, or Festive Engrams, which can be purchased using a Gift in Return and Dawning Spirit.


This is Destiny’s second hard-hitting Aggressive Glaive and can roll some of the new perks from this Season. This one includes the very new, very cool Beacon Rounds perk, which is otherwise only found on Rocket-Assisted Sidearms.


Included below is a roundup of the notable weapons perks that appear on this year’s Dawning weapons. We’ve updated all the existing Dawning weapons with new perks, too.

  • Deconstruct
    • Dealing sustained damage grants bonus damage against vehicles and constructs and partially refills the magazine. Damage with Primary ammo or against constructs provides additional progress.
    • Constructs include barricades, turrets, Stasis crystals, and other objects created in the field.
    • This perk description states that it partially refills the magazine, but we’d like to clarify that this pulls ammo from thin air, not reserves.
  • Attrition Orbs
    • Dealing sustained damage creates an Orb of Power.
  • Cold Steel
    • Powered Sword hits slow targets.
  • Beacon Rounds
    • Final blows with this weapon grant your projectiles tracking. Dealing further damage extends the duration.
  • Dawning Surprise – Origin Trait
    • Rapidly defeating targets awards a Dawning gift. Defeated powerful targets count as more than one.

Keep an eye out for Zephyr (the only Stasis Sword for now) with the Cold Steel trait. Also, note that the damage bonus from Deconstruct stacks with the Häkke Breach Armaments origin trait that you can select on Albedo Wing. This is alongside the Dawning Surprise origin trait that appears on all Dawning weapons.