Destiny 2 free rewards: how to claim rewards with Prime Gaming

Destiny 2 guardians, get ready to stock up on some fantastic gear and rewards this September, courtesy of Prime Gaming! As the exciting Season of the Witch unfolds and The Final Shape’s release date looms on the horizon for February 2024, Bungie has teamed up with Prime Gaming to offer Guardians a trove of exclusive in-game items. In this tutorial news article, we’ll guide you through the process of claiming these exciting rewards.

Step 1: Ensure Account Linkage

Before you can dive into the world of Destiny 2’s Prime Gaming rewards, make sure you have a Prime Gaming account and a account, both linked together. This is a crucial step in gaining access to the monthly rewards.

Step 2: Claim your rewards

Claim your free rewards here 

Step 2: Log into Destiny 2

Launch Destiny 2 and enter the world of Guardians. It’s time to gear up for action.

Step 3: Visit Rahool in the Tower

Head over to the Tower and visit Rahool, the Cryptarch. Here, you can claim your Prime Gaming rewards and start enjoying the new loot.

Step 4: Enjoy Your Rewards

Once you’ve completed these steps, you’re all set to enjoy the latest Prime Gaming rewards in Destiny 2. Remember to do this before the offering expires at the end of the month.

Since Destiny 2’s initial release, Prime Gaming rewards have consistently brought exciting emotes, sparrows, ships, and Ghost shells to players. With more expansions like The Final Shape on the horizon, there will always be monthly rewards to anticipate.

September’s Destiny 2 Prime Gaming Rewards

For September 2023, Destiny 2 is offering the “Dawn of Invention Bundle,” which includes a host of fantastic items:

1. Dawn of Invention’ Exotic Emote
2. Aoki Faas’ Exotic Ghost Shell
3. Dead Fall’ Legendary Ship
4. Verdant Projection’ Legendary Ghost Projection
5. Nebula Prime’ Emblem

Destiny 2

These rewards are up for grabs throughout the month of September, but be sure to redeem them before they disappear on September 28, 2023. Don’t miss your chance to enhance your Destiny 2 experience with these exclusive items. Happy gaming, Guardians!