Destiny 2

Destiny 2 replaces Checkmate because of rework and reintroduces a fan favorite

Bungie will bring adjustments to Destiny 2’s Crucible modifier Checkmate. Checkmate Trails Lab will get one more run later this season with the new tuning, but it’s not currently planned to be in the Control node again. 

The Sony-owned company shared plans to address player concerns about Checkmate in Destiny 2. Beginning with the Weekly Reset on January 9, Bungie will shift Checkmate back to the Labs section of the Crucible. This area serves as a testing ground for new concepts and allows the studio to collect feedback from Guardians.

It’s being taken out of the regular rotation due to significant tweaks, including adjustments to primary weapon time-to-kill and ability cooldowns. It will be replaced with the fan favorite 3v3 Clash, a modified version of Destiny’s Skirmish mode.

DESTINY 2 UPDATE - (source)Bungie

  • As of this week, Checkmate has been moved back to the Labs node for continued iteration with the updated tuning detailed below. Next week will feature 3v3 Clash, which has been modified to reflect a fan favorite from the original Destiny, Skirmish, so revives are enabled. We will run one more Checkmate Trials Lab later this season (on February 9) with the new tuning, but Checkmate is not currently planned to be in the Control node again.
  • Next Iron Banner, there will be an unmodified mode (e.g., Clash, Zone Control, or Supremacy as opposed to Scorched, Momentum, or Mayhem) in the 6v6 Quickplay node, so that those who do not wish to participate in Iron Banner can still find the standard Destiny 6v6 PvP to play.

The changes being made with Checkmate is that primary weapon will be having the same optimal TTK as Hand Cannons. Guardians will also start matches with two kills worth of special ammo and special ammo credit for assists and deaths increases. A decrease in the duration of abilities, dropping from 30% to a mere 15%, while melee damage is being increased, ensuring that kills now require only 2 hits.