Starfield devs prohibited from sharing “unreleased” details: ‘Only Todd Howard is authorized’

According to the studio design director of Bethesda Game Studios, it is futile to approach any of the developers involved in the creation of Starfield in search of secretive details about the much-anticipated action RPG. The only individual deemed “authorized” to disclose any information regarding the unreleased game is Todd Howard.

Emil Pagliarulo, Studio Design Director at Bethesda Game Studios, recently took to Twitter to clarify that only Todd Howard, the Bethesda boss, is authorized to publicly discuss unreleased information about Starfield. Pagliarulo emphasized the role of the PR, marketing, and community teams in sharing updates, acknowledging that while fans may be disappointed, it is important to adhere to the established communication protocols within the studio.

Starfield is one of the most eagerly-awaited video games of 2023. It’s a special game because it’s the first single-player game from Bethesda since Fallout 4 in 2015, and it’s their first completely new IP in 25 years.