
Blizzard sees the new Warbands system in The War Within as the foundation for the next generations of World of Warcraft.


Blizzard just released the World of Warcraft: The War Within Warbands Preview, as mentioned by the Game Director, Ion Hazzikotas, a system that Blizzard wants to build the next generations of WoW on. A lot of players are excited about the new Warbands feature in The War Within. It’ll combine …

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World of Warcraft: The War Within 20th Anniversary Collector’s Edition now available for pre-order

The War Within

You can now reserve the World of Warcraft The War Within Physical Collector’s edition on the Blizzard gear store for $180 USD. This special edition includes various collectibles such as the amazing Gryphon Rider statue, Collecto’s Pin featuring Anduin, Alleria, and Thrall and The War Within Hardcover Art Book.

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