Destiny 2 The Final Shape

Why is the new Destiny 2 raid is going live directly after launch? Bungie explains

In a few weeks, Destiny 2 fans will get “The Final Shape” expansion. Some players are happy, but others are complaining about the raid launching so soon after the campaign. Bungie’s Catarina Macedo explained why on Twitter.

In Destiny 2, The Final Shape marks the culmination of a decade-long odyssey. Introducing the Prismatic subclass that blends elements of Darkness and Light. The Final Shape also setting the stage for Guardians to confront a new enemy known as The Dread after ten years of battles.

2024 TFS Dev Preview Press Kit Dread COMPRESSED 020

Guardians were unhappy about the raid date being close to the campaign launch, so Destiny 2’s Project Lead, Catarina Macedo, explained why this decision was made:

“Hey everyone! Want to talk about why The Final Shape raid is going live shortly after release on June 7. We know this is a tight turnaround and wanted to share some context on why we made this decision. Back in August, we said that finishing the campaign would not be the grand finale of the Light and Darkness saga. You will be facing off against the Witness in the raid, and for non-raiders there will be an opportunity for everyone to experience the conclusion sometime after the raid.

The Final Shape expansion is different: the additional content in the Pale Heart post-campaign and unlocking the raid for everyone is important for getting a cohesive and satisfying story experience. We’re looking at you raiders to be the tip of the spear. When raid day arrives, no matter if you choose to go in for Contest mode in the first 48 hours or wait for Normal mode to unlock, in order to experience the story linearly and as intended, you need to have the campaign completed and finish the quest ‘Wild Card’. Prioritize those! Episode Echoes story, the beginning of the next journey starts in week two.”

The Final Shape is not the end of Destiny 2

In the livestream preview of The Final Shape Developer Gameplay, Luke Smith, the Executive Creative Director of Destiny 2, affirms that “The Final Shape” is definitely not the conclusion of Destiny.

READ MORE: Destiny 2 Director reveals The Final Shape is not the end of Destiny