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WoW Classic causes biggest Subscriber increase ever


World of Warcraft Classic has caused the biggest subscriber increase ever quarter on quarter for Blizzard. This was announced during the Activision Blizzard Third Quarter 2019 Financial Results conference call. You can check out the entire powerpoint presentation here, and check out the Financial Model for Q3 here. Users on …

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Blizzard wants Cross-Play for Diablo 4

Diablo 4

Blizzard wants to implement cross-play for Diablo 4. “We’re very excited about cross-play”, says executive producer Allen Adham against Telegraph. “There are technical details and details to work through with the first parties, but it’s our goal to get cross-play”, he continued. Since the game is still early in development …

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In Shadowlands you can Transmog your Legendaries

World of Warcraft Shadowlands will introduce Legendaries to Transmog. This was announced during the World of Warcraft Q&A at Blizzcon. At the panel, the Blizzard representatives got asked the following question: Will Legendaries ever be transmoggable? To which the panel replied: “Short answer is yes! Original rules were very restrictive. …

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Faction Merge status in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands

Unfortunately, for fans who want to walk hand-in-hand with the different faction. The leaks are not true. Game Director Ion Hazzikostan has confirmed that no Faction Merge is going to happen in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. Although it is not in balance with Mythic raiding, where Alliance guilds have a …

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New app launcher looks amazing

The announcements are probably flying around you at the moment, but we don't want you to miss them. is a very important platform for every Blizzard enthusiast. Blizzard has been busy lately with the finetune of their launcher and that is quite successful! Anyone who has agreed on the beta program is eligible for this new launcher.

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