Nick Nijland

Dire Maul will arrive before Phase 2

Blizzard has just shared a Developer Content Update Preview in which Ion Hazzikostas explains what their plans are for World of Warcraft Classic. They decided to release Dire Maul on October 15th before Phase 2 will arrive later this year, to give player more to do. Check it out below …

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World of Warcraft Patch 8.3 finally confirmed

World of Warcraft Patch 8.3 has been found by the patch sniffer, which means we can safely say the patch will come to the game. Earlier speculations suggested that BFA would end at patch 8.2.5, but the sniffer says otherwise. The patch sniffer detected a change in the shops for …

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Saurfang cinematic supercut released by Blizzard

Do you miss Saurfang already? We do! The awesome, legendary warrior fell recently while challenging Sylvanas to a Mak’Gora, to great discomfort of his fans. To honor the hero, Blizzard released a supercut of all the cinematics in BFA we saw Saurfang. This is a beautiful story of an honorful …

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Sylvanas’ ultimate plan revealed, will she control N’Zoth eventually?

After the cinematics that got released with patch 8.2.5, which looked amazing, we started to think what all of it could mean for World of Warcraft. Some speculations have already been thrown around in the recent weeks, regarding the factions coming together and these new storylines have proven this to …

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Battle for Azeroth War Campaign Finale – For Azeroth

BEWARE FOR SPOILERS!! Watch our opinion below. Below you will find the final cinematic for the War Campaign. You all played for this since the start of Battle for Azeroth. Watch it come to an end! Video uploaded by the awesome WoWHead.   In the cinematic we see the leaders …

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WoW Patch 8.2.5 might be last patch of BFA, 8.3 scrapped?

After a recent post from Blizzard, fans are starting to believe that Patch 8.3 might be scrapped from the expansion. On the official World of Warcraft website, Blizzard released an overview of everything we can expect from 8.2.5, which releases tomorrow. In there, we see the Bee mount, Party Sync, …

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WoW Classic: First Hand of Ragnaros has been crafted

Some World of Warcraft Classic players are burning through the content quicker than others. On september 17th the first Hand of Ragnaros was crafted by LongDD of the Chinese guild Old Boys. He looted the Eye of Sulfuras only three days earlier. You can check out the footage below. A …

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